We have a great and a awesome GOD working our midst. A GOD who can do absolutely anything. He can do things which seems impossible. If such a GOD we worshipping today can perform which seems to be beautiful ? As we meditate on the last articles, it says that GOD make things beautiful in HIS time, though we may not see it.
Not only He make things beautiful but He also plan things beautiful. Won't you agree on that?
" For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11 -NIV)
In this verse,He says that He has a plan for us. A plan to prosper us and not to harm us, many at times we think that GOD is cruel because of the problems and challenges we are facing. But this challenges and problems will lead us into prosperity one day. As how we see in the life of Joseph, he had go through a tough time. He was sold by own brothers to Egypt, put into prison and after enduring all these things he was promoted to be the prime minister of Egypt. In order to be master, GOD will take you to an experience where you have to be a servant and then He will take you to the next level. Isn't that beautiful? Dear youths, if you are going through trials and temptation, seek GOD and rejoice in the LORD in your trials (Phil 4:4-6) and you will a see a breakthrough in your life that leads you prosperity and good life.
Bro. Albert Jay Raj