GOD make things beautiful (Part 1)

"He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end. " (Ecclesiastes 3 :11)

Many of us think that sometimes GOD is cruel, why He allows so many problems to come into our lives, Why he allows us to suffer? From the text above we understand that our GOD made all things beautiful in His time. Many of us we think that we are better than GOD and we want our things to be done by our own will or our own desire. Sometimes we get discouraged when our prayers are not answered or our wishes are not fulfilled. Dear youths, even if GOD doesn't answer your prayers but one thing for sure that He will answer your prayers in His time.

Our GOD, in His time He made the heavens and the earth. We see how beautiful was God's in just 6 days. He created the sun,moon stars, living creatures, trees, plants and finally human being. All was done in His time and not our time. Even in my life too many at times I thought that GOD will not answer my prayers. I was jobless for 8 months, during this 8 months I had a very tough time. I didn't had any money to pay my expenses and there was no one to support me. I tried to apply jobs which is according to my own desire but finally it was all in vain. I was very choosy in applying jobs because I want a job that is relaxing and a better income.

After 8 months a friend of mine who is a Christian, he has a friend who is a CEO of particular company. He spoke to the CEO about my problems and after few days I was offered to work in this company. I was very happy at that time, and I started working in that company. After few months the LORD promoted me and I greatly thank the LORD.

Allthough I have been praying for months for my job but the LORD answered that prayer 8 months and it was all beautiful in His time. My dear youths, if your prayers are not answered don't be discouraged. He will answer your prayer in His time.


Bro.Albert Jay Raj