True Worship

"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." (John 4:24)

Based on the verse above, Jesus is speaking about who is the true worshippers of GOD. After Jesus had a conversation with the Samaritan woman in this chapter and He reveals that who is the true worshippers of GOD. Many Christians today have misunderstanding of what worship is all about. They think that worship is like is singing songs like Hillsongs,Planetshakers, Don Moen and so on. Worship is not merely singing like those famous worship singers and having a very sophisticated band.

If we carefully consider this verse, Jesus did not say that those who worship Him must worship Him with singing and dancing but in spirit and in truth. Spirit is the anointing

"But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him." (1 John 2:27)

and truth is the WORD OF GOD (See John 17:17). In other words,the true worshippers are those who abides under the anointing and rooted in the WORD OF GOD. If you don't have this experience,that shows you are not the true worshippers of GOD though you are a worship leader and you can lead the best worship songs. But that doesn't mean you are the true worshippers of GOD. When you abide in the WORD and in the anointing,that shows you are truly worshipping GOD.

What do you think??

Prosperity Gospel in the WORD OF GOD

Today in the Christian world we heard of a lot teachings and doctrines regarding prosperity gospel. They were taught that by giving tithes and offerings alone will bring prosperity in our lives. Many of us think that by having a lot of money, that is prosperity. Let's see what the Bible says about prosperity

"This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." (Joshua 1:8)

Here the Bible says that when we meditate on GOD's word we will have good success. Success comes through the WORD OF GOD not by giving tithes and offering you get success but by living according to His WORD.We never find anywhere in the bible that says that in order to be properous you need to have great wealth. In the WORD OF GOD,wealth is not connected with prosperity. Prosperity means that when GOD with you all the time,that itself is a prosperity.

"And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian." (Genesis 39:2)

Joseph was a prosperous man when he was in the foreign land the reason is because GOD was with him all the time. When we experience the triune GOD dwelling in us, we have prosperity because all our worries, burdens and cares are taken care by the LORD. A simple life in the fear of GOD is better than a rich life with tonnes of headaches.


"He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God." (Revelation 19:13)

There are so many names which is given in reference to our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Such names are like Prince of peace, Lamb Of GOD, Son of GOD, Alpha and the Omega and so on. But the one names given in reference to JESUS is the WORD OF GOD.
Jesus is the WORD,The WORD is what we have today in our hand which is the Bible. Many at times we said that we never seen GOD before. But do you know that we can see GOD by meditating on His WORD because the WORD is GOD himself. Each time when we start meditating the WORD of GOD, GOD began to manifest Himself because He himself is the WORD. The WORD has power on its own. Every letter, every consonant, every verb, every adverb and the whole vocabulary of the WORD has power on its own because GOD himself is the WORD and He is mighty indeed. He created the whole universe by His divine WORD,He spoke the WORD and all things exist. That's the power of His divine WORD.

Here is something that you can ponder on it.


"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. " (John 1:1)

We as Christian must give importance to Word Of God in our daily lives because the WORD brings life. The WORD which is in the Bible is full of life, from Genesis right up to Revelation are the words of eternal life (John 5:39). The verse above says that "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. ". Which means the WORD is GOD himself. The Bible is not merely a story book, fiction book or science book but it a person. As we read His word, the personality and the qualities of GOD revealed to us. If the WORD is GOD himself that means the WORD has all power by itself because our GOD is the great and Almighty GOD. The WORD is the one who created us, created the whole heaven and universe. (See Psalm 33:6). If we don't read the Bible, that shows we don't have a relationship with GOD. As you read the WORD Of GOD you will see relationship with GOD becomes closer and closer.So read the WORD OF GOD

Victory in Christ

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him." (2 Cor 2:14)

Today we see in lifes of people, they need victory in their lives such as sports, acedemics, careers and so on. They try their level best to live a life free from problems, worries and anxieties. By doing it using our strength, we can never live an overcoming life from problems, fears and temptation. The reason is because human beings are not perfect either, thus every human being has their own shortcomings and failures in their lives. Even me too, I have my own shortcomings and weaknesses.

Based on this verse above, through Christ we are able to live an overcoming life. With Christ we can live a life free from worries and fear. Our GOD is a great and powerful GOD, thus He wants to dwell in us. When we have Christ in us, we can expect miracles, signs and wonders in which are beyond our expectation. Jesus overcame the world (John 16:33) and when He dwells in us through the Holy Spirit,and we also can overcome the problems we faced in this world.

The Beauty Of Our LORD JESUS (Part II)

Previous article we were talking about the beauty of JESUS that is humility. There is a beauty and uniqueness in the life of JESUS. His life and ministry was so profound that changes the course of history.


"Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." (Hebrews 7:25)

When JESUS was on this earth, He intercedes on behalf of us so that we will be closer to GOD. Intercede means praying on behalf of someone. Jesus not only praying for the Jews but He also prayed for everyone so that you and I will come closer to GOD. He is praying for us before the GOD the father in heaven. Through His intercession for us, He has save us from the wrath of GOD. He wants us to abide in Him more and more and that is the reason why He is praying for us before the father. We are saved by the mercy of GOD and through His prayer. That is the beauty of our LORD Jesus Christ, He doesn't want us to live under sin, and the power of darkness but He want us to draw closer and closer with Him day by day.

The Beauty Of Our LORD JESUS (Part 1)

There are so many beauties in this world that we can think of like 7 wonders of the world, and there are many beautiful places in this world that attracts tourists. Our main focus for today is about the beauty of our LORD JESUS.

First Beauty: Humility

"And being found in appearance as a man,he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross!" (Philippians 2:8 )

Eventough Jesus is the son of the most High GOD, but yet he looks low. That is humility,the beauty of Jesus is although He is GOD but he left all His glory and became like a man in order to redeem us from the power of sin and darkness.

He live like a man just because to save His people from sin. Without Jesus coming into this world, there is no freedom from sin. Because of the sin of Adam, we are living under the curse and bear the consequences but through the suffering of Jesus on the cross He has delivered us from the curse.

When Jesus was on this earth, he didn't have any specialities but he live like an ordinary man. Throughout his life on earth he was obedient to His earthly Father as well as His heavenly, he did not boast about himself but He was boasting about His heavenly Father. In His birth there was humility, there was no room for Him to be born. Being the son of GOD, He had to go through all these things in order to deliver us from sin.

To be continued

By Bro.Albert Jay Raj