Power Of Prayer (Part 1)

"And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven." (James: 5:15)

We face a lot of uncertainties in this world, there are good times and there are bad times. Different types of sicknesses, diseases and infirmities we are facing in this world. We have heard new type sickness that can cause death. It is not God's desire that we should be sick all the time but His desire is that everyone should be in good health and strength. Based on the text above, the apostle James wrote that the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick. There is no need for us to go to the medical doctors or taking pills for healing, prayer itself is like pills for us.

In order to receive healing we need to consume 5 tablets or 5 pills. This tablets you can't find it in hospitals or in pharmacies. It is from your heart, the moment when you can consulting medical doctors for healing it burns up our money because we have to pay for medical fees. But if we have this 5 pills from our heart, great healing an deliverance is going to happen in your life.

This 5 pills are:


It is faith, what is that mean ? Faith is a substance of things which we hope for. It means a complete entrusting it to GOD for something to happen. Our GOD can do something which seems impossible. If He can do something which is impossible in the sight of man, why don't we put our trust in Him for healing. Man cannot do miracles by his own power and might, but only through the power of GOD. When Jesus was on this earth, He performed many miracles, signs and wonders. But most miracles performed was because of their faith.

In order to experience healing from GOD, we need faith and the verse above said that the prayer of faith is able to save the sick. All we need to do is to offer our prayer in faith believing that He is going to heal us. Then you will see miracles will happen in your life. You will experience a healing power like you never experienced before.

To be continued


Bro. Albert Jay Raj